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Our Top 3 Tips For Eating More Protein

You know what the fitness industry always loves to say, carbs are the devil and protein is key to weight loss, toning or any goal you’re really chasing (gentle eyeroll, but they’re not totally wrong!)

You know us, we LOVE carbs – so we certainly don’t think they’re the devil. They’re delicious, energy-fuelling, super easy and accessible foods that totally have a place in your nutrition plan. But, no one ever had trouble eating enough carbs right?

Eating protein on the other hand, it can be tricky! Carbs and fat can be so easy to grab on the go, all our fave comfort meals and easy to fall into an overload of. Getting enough protein takes a little more work and practice.

Eating more protein however will naturally reduce your carb and fat intake because you’ll be busy eating other things, better balance your meals, help you feel fuller for longer (so easier to stick to reduced calories if you’re trying to) plus give your bod the nutrients it needs to recover from tough workouts and hit them hard again tomorrow.

So let’s get to biz – what are our top 3 ways to change your protein game?

First things first: your highest protein foods are lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, tofu, protein shakes You’ll also find some protein in dairy products, nuts and seeds

1. Make protein the base of AT LEAST 2 meals a day: Plan around your protein. When you’re shopping for the week or planning your meals – start with a protein and build the rest of your meal around it. So let’s have STEAK (with a side of sweet potato mash & veg) or let’s have LENTILS (in our fave curry). This will avoid you getting trapped in those super carbs meals and trying to figure out how to fit protein around it.

2. Find your fave protein snacks: quick-grab foods are usually high carb & high fat (think anything takeaway, muesli bars, toast, bread, muffins, etc). Make a list of 5-10 of your fave protein snacks, make sure to include them in your shopping and if they’re new to you – stick a list on your fridge so every time you get snacky you remember all your great ideas. Some of our faves are: protein shakes, chobani yoghurts, greek yoghurt & fruit, nut bars, protein bars, tuna on crackers, lunch meats & veggie sticks, boiled eggs, protein smoothies, cheese and crackers, a handful of nuts

3. Have a protein shake: look, food is always best butttt convenience is a very close second! If you’re struggling to hit your protein intake, consider getting a protein shake to have once a day or with your workouts. It can help with any hangry feels while you take a minute to plan your next meal and most of them taste pretty good these days! Mix it up by adding it to your oats, yoghurt or a smoothie!

It’s that simple. Simple, but not easy. These changes take some planning and a little practice, but once you build your habits of knowing those high protein meals that you can rotate through the week, having your list of protein snacks on hand and sneaking in a protein shake every now and then – you’ll be golden!

Plus it makes the carbs taste even better when we get to them 😛

Good luck on the protein this week team, keep making those little life changes that add up to BIG results!

If you need help getting your nutrition right, ALL our memberships come with nutrition coaching so we’ll get you on the right track. No need to suffer solo! Book a free intro today!

Phoebee & the CFLH Team xx

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